Thursday, May 21, 2020

Field Day

Every year, our elementary school does a spring field day. Kids get to spend the day outside competing in different fun events. Well, due to covid, field day was we called some neighbors and friends and planned our own field day! 
We all met at Terra Park in town (it's big enough for us to all distance)
Bubble relay was the first event, teams had to race from one bubble station to the next and blow a bubble in order to proceed to the next person in the relay!
Then it was tug of war! First we did boys on one side...
versus girls on the other!
Then it was kids...
versus moms!
This was the hula hoop relay, teams created a long chain and had to step through the hula hoop in order to pass it down!
Slide it down!
Last was a scavenger hunt to find items to then create a sculpture or art creation with the found items!
All in all, the kids (and parents) had a great field day. It was fun to get together and be outside for some competition! 

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