Monday, May 4, 2020

Lure Making

Covid... Working from home... Schooling from home... very different season. One thing that I have been into lately is Marlin Baits on YouTube, you should check out his channel! He is a lure maker and makes videos of different lures that he makes. With all my house projects now complete...I decided it might be fun to try and make some lures to catch fish with!
Here is my "drawing board" with some lures in progress
My very first one: STC No 001
I tried to make a realistic looking popper.
I also tested my skills with a jointed swim bait...
Good bait makers use an airbrush to paint their work...I'm not there yet, but it's on my "wish list"!
Tried this little red crank bait

 and found some eyes on Amazon!

Now to see if I can actually catch anything with my own creations...

To be continued...


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