Sunday, September 16, 2018


Every year we make a trip to Adventureland for a day of thrills and spills!  In years past, it has been all of Heather's side of the family, but with kiddo's getting older and summer schedules that is harder to work out. This year was just our family and Heather's mom (Nana) for the day at Adventureland!
The first stop...the carousel
 Nana and Blythe ready and excited!
 Here we go!
 After the carousel, we head over the the giant Ferris wheel! The ladies on one side.
 The dudes on the other!
 Then we check out the lady bugs!
 And the hot air balloons!
 Blythe sat with me for the balloons!
 Driving trucks...
 ...and trains
 ...and boats!
 G and I rode the sky glide across the park, Nana and Trigg were in another chair while we race Heather pushing Blythe in the stroller!
 Blythe and I took a pit stop in the shade while the boys and Heather rode the Gallion.
 One last spin on the tea cups and we called it a day!
It's always fun to spent a day at the park, to hear the laughs and giggles as we spin around on the rides, to sweat through our shirts and pack a picnic for lunch at the shelter house!

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