Monday, April 22, 2019


Happy Easter! He has risen indeed! Easter is one of my favorite holiday's; Jesus resurrection, spring is in the air, dressing up for church, Easter egg hunts, it's all great!
These 3 looking good in their Easter outfits
 B loved her "twirly" dress for Easter and she was willing to pose for any picture!
 The boys on the other hand, were a little more particular when it came to posing for a picture.  The conditions had to be perfect...I guess we had too much sun in this spot...
 Take 2...
 Still bright...
 Even a group pic didn't help, although the ladies nailed it...the dudes have some work to do!
 They didn't have problems smiling with their Easter baskets!
 My side of the family came up to celebrate Easter with us. Cousin's Easter egg hunt!
 Finding eggs!
 The whole crew with Grandpa and Grandma
 The boys got some boxing gloves in their Easter basket's...inflatable boxing gloves! G is ready to rumble...
 Trigg is up for the challenge
 Boys, take your corner...
 and GO!!!
 They also got chalk bombs, these little bags with colored chalk that when you throw them on the ground, they leave a chalk circle...same thing happens when you hit yourself in the head!!!
 Or hit your sister on top of her head!
 They did a great job painting the driveway and for the most part kept the chalk on the sidewalk.
It was a great Easter, great weather and fun spending time with family! Happy Easter!

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