Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Summer Fun

As summer comes to a close, I was looking through some of our great summer fun! We played a ton outside, on skateboards, on bikes, on scooters and building ramps!
 B loves her dresses and her tutu and we often find her on her scooter wearing said dress or tutu!
 G got a ton better on his bike this summer!
 Let's ride!
 Our library does a summer reading program and the boys earned tickets to the I-Cubs game!
 We got this Ziggle cart from Morgan and Piper, the boys love riding it as much as Blythe, but it is a girls Ziggle and all pink, so we decided to give it a face lift. Blythe picked the colors and it now has a fresh look!
 G decided it was time to pull off the training wheels!!! Big day!!
 We also got to hang out with our friends this summer!
 One of the greatest finds at the end of summer was our new backyard pet...Mustang! We build this "habitat" for him...which he loves!
 Oh yeah...Mustang is a toad!
 We also took a trip to Pella to walk around town with a stop at Central College, where Heather and I met!
 Selfie with the iconic bridge (photobombed by Trigg on his bike)
 Go Dutch!
We love summer and feel like this one just flew by...we aren't really ready for it to be over yet but we are excited for a new school year to get started!

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