Tuesday, December 31, 2019


We headed back to Pinkley's Red Roof Farms this year to pick out our Christmas tree. They are great there, lots of trees, animals in the barn and the barn is over 120 years old!!! These three helpers are ready to pick a tree!
We found a winner, time to wrap it up, throw it on the roof and head home!
The kids have an artificial tree in the basement that they put all their orniments on, our real tree is mom's "pretty" tree and the boys have specific instructions...DO NOT TOUCH. This year, B got to help mom with decorating!
She did a great job and was very careful with the ornaments and her placement on the tree!
We let the kids open 1 gift at the start of December...their Christmas PJ's!
I found her at the tree one morning just starring at it...she said, "Dad, isn't it just beautiful"
Christmas Jammies!
Kids being kids!
We have the tradition of making Christmas cookies to put in goodie bags to give as "thank you's" through the Christmas season. It's always fun to work together in the kitchen!
Christmas service at church
This year, we hosted Heather's family and had an "Ugly Christmas Sweater" game. Each family had a sheet of paper with a sweater on it, using supplies they had to design their best Ugly Christmas Sweater! Our family went with a snowman and red garland!
The South Dakota VL's got creative with their sweater...
Theirs was Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and he ate too much Christmas goodies!
The Pella VL's made good use of green and red doilies!
Our annual family Christmas picture! Dressed up for Christmas Eve service at church.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas morning excitement...
What could be in these...
So excited!
Action figures were a big hit for this 5 year old! (side note, Aldi's had these in the "Aldi's Deals" row...crazy good price for these big action figures!)
We went with gifts of "experiences" this year...the boys got tickets to TodyMac Hits Deep tour!
We also gave them a "Yes" day, that is one day where they get to decide what they want to do and our answer will be "Yes"! Can I have pickles for breakfast..."Yes", can we go to Climb Iowa..."Yes"...

It was a great Christmas season, it goes too fast but it is fun to decorate, celebrate and get together with friends and family. Jesus is the reason for the season and we try not to forget that in the midst of our daily lives as a family! Merry Christmas!

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