Friday, December 20, 2019

Lefsa Rolling Team

Every Christmas season, we head down to my parents house to make lefsa! Lefsa is a traditional Norwegian potato bread. it is made using riced potatoes and making dough balls, rolling those out and than cooking on a 500 degree griddle!
Morgan using the grooved rolling pin to roll out some lefsa!
My dad manning the flip stick, a long tapered stick that you slide under the lefsa to flip and cook the other side! His turner was his mom's, that lefsa stick is probably close to 80 years old!
Garrett and I rolling out some dough!
Blythe, Wade and Morgan hanging out and enjoying the lefsa process!
Our Lefsa Rolling Team!
This year, my parents got my sister and I our own turners (lefsa stick). Pictured in the bottom middle of the grid below!
My sister had these shirts made for us this year, they turned out great! 
I can remember making lefsa at my grandma's house and now my kiddo's are learning how to make it too! What a fun tradition and a great memory to pass on! 

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