Friday, September 21, 2012

Week in Review

We had a great week.  The temperatures are starting to drop and the trees are starting to change color!  It feels more like fall everyday. 
With the cooler weather, Trigg busted out a new long sleeve shirt...with tie!
 He is a man on the move, crawling and pulling himself up to anything and everything!
Mom had a Cabi party and the clothes came in this huge box...what should we do with such a big box?  Use it as a race car and drive around the house!
 Hold we go!
 We also got out Trigg's long sleeve jammies this week...these feature a dump truck!
This past weekend was the 3rd Annual BBQ Fest.  We got a 6.5lb beef brisket from Costco and I got the smoker going around 6:30 Saturday morning! 7 am we were sitting in the "ideal" range. 
 12 hours later, I cut into the wonderfully smoked meat! turned out great! 
 Everyone pitched in and brought a side dish!  The gals getting everything ready!
 Aaron, what will you be having tonight?  "Meat, with a side of meat."
 My parents came up on Monday for lunch...they are getting ready to have a garage sale and have been cleaning their basement.  They brought up some toys for Trigg and found a bin of my old stuff...apparently I was holding onto these little gems for some reason...
 We also added a few books to our collection that I had when I was a kiddo..."There's a Monster at the End of This Book" featuring Grover.
 Trigg is also getting good at giving's the cutest thing!  We are working with him to kiss with a closed mouth instead of wide open...but at this point, it's adorable!
 With 3 teeth showing, we are brushing at night.  Trigg is pretty excited about it!
 ...or he is excited about his rocket ship jammies that glow in the dark!
 Trigg also tried a new snack this week...graham crackers.  After close inspection, they turned out to be a big hit!
That pretty much sums up our week.  It is feeling more like fall and we are getting closer and closer to our little dudes first birthday...planning continues!


Margaret said...

We are big fans of The Monster at the End of The Book. One of many books from my childhood I read to Dean regularly!

Nick Lucs said...

Love the pics with Trigg's tie. Like father, like son.