Friday, October 5, 2012

Week in Review

Another week has gone by, September is behind us and we are into October! 
Last weekend we had another birthday party so Trigg busted out his "Dude" shirt!
We also did more work in the backyard last weekend...what's that you see Trigg?
The digger!  Yep, still in our neighbors/our backyard! 
With it parked there all week, we have been checking it out.  One of Trigg's favorite books is "This is My Digger", so he loved seeing this digger up close!
With Trigg's birthday party this weekend, I finished the backyard ahead of schedule!
...and got Trigg's birthday present installed!  A 10 foot wave slide on the side hill!
All done!
Trigg and I testing out the slide...
...yep, it works!
What a dude!
Fall is definitely here...we took a drive around the neighborhood to see some of the fall colors!
Trigg pointing out the bright red trees!
...and with fall comes colder temps...all bundle up to go for a walk outside!
When I get home from work, I ask Trigg and Mom, "How was your day"...there is a song that I made up that goes with it and I throw Trigg into the air.  He loves it when we are outside and he goes even higher!
Well that sums up our week.  Tonight low temperature is 30, so be sure to detach your garden hose and cover your plants! 

1 comment:

Elisa Clark said...

LOVE the slide! And your yard looks great!