Monday, July 28, 2008

Star Gazer

So last May, my good friend Ryan McGowan got married. The wedding was in St. Louis and we had a blast. It was so fun to see Ryan and Ashley and be apart of their big day! As we were leaving the reception, everyone received a flower bulb. I thought this was a great idea, it is a great way to remember their wedding and both Heather and I like to garden, so it was fun planting them. The bulbs were star gazer lilies and as soon as we got home from that trip, Heather and I planted the bulbs in our flower bed. They started to grow last summer but due to some unseasonal frost one night, combined with a poky little puppy, the flowers never popped up. Fast forward to this spring, we were back in the flower bed digging up the soil to plant some more flowers and we came across some bulbs. We thought that they didn't have a chance of coming back, but we left the bulbs in the ground to see what would happen. Sure enough, they started as little shoots of green and then some leaves appeared. We made sure to keep Riley out of the flower beds this year and now the flowers have arrived and we have star gazer lilies to enjoy! Every time I look at them I think about Ryan and Ashley and their great wedding and all the fun that we had on that trip. Then that makes me also think of Ryan's mom jumping into the pool, which always makes me smile.

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