Saturday, February 13, 2010

Seth's Bowling Birthday

In Heather's family generally we get together and the birthday boy (or girl) chooses an activity to do together. This year Seth decided he'd like to go bowling. We learned that real bowling is not as easy as Wii bowling - except for Nathan, he showed the adults how a "pro" does it.
Nathan was more excited about tossing the ball than to see how many pins he knocked down.
Brent and I modeling our "sweet" shoes. Brent complained they were affecting his bowling game...right. Maybe it was because he was dressed in all the same shade of khaki...who knows.
Doreen showing us her skills...
I can thank my high school PE teacher for that "pro" bowling form.....
Chad showing Nathan how its done.
Nathan was so jazzed about his orange ball (he and auntie Heather used the same one)
Uncle Seth....STRIKE!
Nathan decided to get a little assistance from the bowling ramp.
What a great looking family...can't wait for Aaron to bowl with us next year!
Game Face

By this point Brent got a different pair of shoes...oddly enough they didn't seem to help his game.
Wow...this is heavy!
While Nathan waited his turn he used the hardwood floors to test out his dance moves...he's got quite the moves.

among his dancing skills he oddly has an interest in guns....such a boy.
Birthday boy showing us how its done.
After bowling we headed back to Heather's parents for pizza, cookie cake and gifts. Nathan is quick to pose when there are treats involved.... I'm not sure if there will be enough frosting for everyone...hmm.
Frosting lipstick...looks good Nathan!
In honor of Seth's birthday Shay and I went and had makeovers at Ulta...thanks for going with me Shay - always fun to get a fresh look.

Seth we are so glad to we get to celebrate you not only on your birthday but throughout the year! We love and appreciate you! Happy Birthday!

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