Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thursday Night Balloons

Last Thursday Heather and I headed down to Indianola for the balloons. This time we met up with Chad, Shay, Nathan and Aaron to watch the balloons! Chad and Nathan give big thumbs up for the corn dog (warm up for the State Fair!)
Shay, Aaron and Heather hanging out on the grass waiting for the balloons to come in.
My aunt Judy and my grandpa Lou came over from Omaha to check out the balloons. They are enjoying some dinner with my mom.
It was a pretty breezy evening so we were a little nervous that the balloons wouldn't fly. To kill some time, Chad took Nathan on a train ride!
Nathan and Chad give a big wave as they pass by.
...and here come the balloons! Heather teaches Nathan to wave to the balloons as they pass by.
Nathan was quick to pick up on waving...and yelling to the balloons!
Several flew right over the top of us!
Here come Ron Nolan flying "Last Lap" in the black and white checkered balloon.
Heather and Nathan wave to the balloon while Chad tries to see into the distance.
Shay, Aaron and Heather give a big smile while the balloons fly over our heads!
Another shot of Ron as he flies over the field.
Another balloon buzzes right over us.
The Pella Vande Lunes get together for a family photo.As dusk approaches, a few balloons set up for a night glow. Ken, my dad Tom, Nathan and I hang out and discuss the Iowa Hawkeyes.
Night glow in action.
We had a great time Thursday evening at the balloon field with my family and the Pella VL's. Big Thanks to my parents for having us out! We can't wait for next year!

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